“Introducing the Newest Cartoon Series Horse Play: Kids Animal Spring Rider, an engaging addition to any play area. This rocking horse, categorized under both rocking horses and other educational toys, is designed for children over 3 years old.
Customizable in various colors, it is tailored to suit your preferences. With a size of 54x45x77cm, it offers the perfect balance between space and excitement.
Backed by a 1-year warranty and available with a minimum order quantity of just one set, this spring rider ensures both quality and accessibility. With a swift delivery time of 1-2 days, you can have this delightful ride-on toy in your amusement park, kindergarten, pre-school, or residential area in no time.
Promote imaginative play and outdoor fun with the Newest Cartoon Series Horse Play: Kids Animal Spring Rider from Ebaza Garden Toys.”
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